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Completed projects

International projets


Fond France-Berkeley


This project compared several methodological approaches concerning the use phase and the inclusion of pavement recycling in a life cycle perspective.


Monitoring and Improving Roadway surface conditions for safe driving environment and sustainable infrastructure (UC Berkeley, California, USA)


This project enabled an exchange of practices on road monitoring and evaluation methods.

European projets


2021 - 2023

In Europe, the need to make infrastructure more sustainable for biodiversity while ensuring their reliability and efficiency is urgent.

Indeed, Europe needs to adapt its existing infrastructure to new climatic conditions (floods, droughts …), as well as find innovative and sustainable solutions to reduce the impact of invasive species and address the decline of native species and ecosystem fragmentation. Simultaneously, the sharp rise in the development of new transport infrastructure, especially in Eastern Europe, must support economic development while paying particular attention to the local biodiversity, which is often endemic.

Faced with these needs, for the first time the European Union funds a 3 million euros Coordination and Support Action project on the topic of transport and biodiversity issues. As part of the last calls under H2020, the BISON project is timely to set the ground and upscale research on these topics in the next European research framework programme 2021-2027 (HORIZON EUROPE).

Following the IENE2022 Congress in Cluj : Experts propose solutions for sustainable European transport by mainstreaming biodiversity



Noise and Emissions Monitoring and radical mitigation

2020 - 2023

Participation in the evaluation of dust emissions during the simulated life duration of new pavement materials.


ROads Saving Energy


Objective : a durable asphalt pavement with at least 6.5% reduction of passenger-car energy consumption
leader : Roskilde University. Ease brought its expertise :

  • on the experimental part: measurement of rolling resistance and texture measurement.
  • on the theoretical part: influence of the geometry of the road on consumption.


Forever Open infrastructure across all transport modes

FOX est un projet H2020 financé dans le thème MG - 81b 2014 « Smarter design, construction and maintenance ». Il vise à définir une feuille de route en termes de R&D (recherche et développement) pour développer des transports multimodaux à haute efficacité.


Sustainable Pavement & Railway Initial Training Network

Ce projet Marie Curie a pour objectif de développer un outil d'évaluation multi-critères des infrastructures de transport (route/rail). Les travaux ont débouché que la mise en place d'une méthodologie d'évaluation multi-critères (sélection des indicateurs, des méthodes d'aggrégation des indicateurs) permettant de comparer différentes solutions techniques entre elles en se basant sur des critères de durabilité, d'impacts environnementaux, de sécurité, de bruit, de coûts. Le projet adresse tous les piliers du développement durable (technique, économique, environnemental et social) et permet de disposer de l'outil d'évaluation associé à la méthodologie.


Models for rolling resistance In Road Infrastructure Asset Management Systems

This project develops methods for rolling resistance measurements and estimation models of rolling resistance in connection with infrastructure characteristics.


Development of a novel ECO-LABELing EU-harmonized methodology for cost-effective, safer and greener road products and infrastructures.


This project aims at developping a road infrastructure project certification system using sustainable development indicators in the economic , technical, environment and social domains.

This workshop organized by the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Pisa (2018, july 16-17), gathered various European and American experts developing works dealing with the sustainability of transport infrastructure.
Three sessions were organized (see program attached):

The first session allowed to analyze different systems and methods of Labeling and certification for road infrastructures developed during the last years (LCE4ROADS, EDGAR, ENVISION, etc.). This session also recall the fundamentals of life cycle analysis and assessment of environmental impacts of infrastructures.
The second session provided some examples of development in construction and maintenance of infrastructure and road materials taking into account sustainability.
The third session was dedicated to the first results of the NEREIDE project which aims at developping low rolling noise pavement mixes containing recycled materials.


ROlling resistance, Skid resistance, ANd Noise Emission measurement standards for roads surfaces. 


This project deals with the harmonization of methods of measurement of friction, noise and rolling resistance.


SCenarios for the Electrification of TRansports.


This project takes place within the Electromobility + transnational program supported by the Era- Net Transport. It aims at identifing the conditions ( policy ) for the development of electromobility in Europe in 2030.


Tomorrow's Road Infrastructure Monitoring & Management. 





This project developed an optimization tool for road maintenance including safety and environmental criteria.


Enhanced Driver Safety due to Improves Skid Resistance



TYre and Road Surface Optimisation for Skid résistance and Further Effects.


This project produced a roadmap for harmonization of methods of measurement of grip in Europe.

National projets


Sustainable management partnership in right-of-ways of linear transport infrastructures

2021 - 2024

The aim of the project is to develop models of sustainable partnerships between LTI operators and local stakeholders for profitable management of right-of-ways for biodiversity. The 4 main types of LTI are concerned: waterways, power lines, railways and roads/motorways. The method is based on the one hand on feedback from management partnerships set up spontaneously and with their own means by local stakeholders, and on the other hand within the framework of financially supported experimental projects.
Eight sites will be studied from the point of view of the conditions for the emergence of partnerships, the rules established between partners, the conditions and results obtained on the ecological, socio-economic and technical levels.


Autonomous shuttle experiment

2019- 2022

The ENA (Autonomous Shuttle Experiment) project managed by Gustave Eiffel (ex IFSTTAR) aims to perform experiments based on autonomous vehicles, marketable by 2022, as a complement to existing public transport networks. It is part of the ADEME EVRA call for projects (Experimentation for Autonomous Road Vehicle). ENA project brings together two territories on which experiments will be launched: in the Brenne (opening up in rural areas) and Sophia-Antipolis (serving a business park). The project will identify needs to implement autonomous shuttles, then it will perform experiments to collect and to share the feedback and the impacts to improve this type of mobility.

Within the ENA project, the AME/EASE laboratory is involved in two parts: "Quality of service: safety and comfort", whose objective is to develop physical indicators to assess the level of safety and comfort of the shuttles in normal conditions and in critical situations; and "Evaluation on tracks", whose objective is to identify the tests needed to assess the risks linked to the shuttle routes, as well as the safety and comfort of users through experiments on tracks. The AME/EASE laboratory is carrying out experiments on the Reference Tracker tracks and Experimentation (PRER), in Nantes, to evaluate the braking distances of the NAVYA Shuttle under different environmental conditions, in order to estimate the safety of the shuttles that will be deployed on the territories.


Dynamic systems modeling of the diffusion of low carbon vehicles

2020- 2021

The objective is to explore the conditions for the penetration of new passenger vehicle technologies through the development of a dynamic model of the French automotive market.


Modelization/characterization of precursor and secondary aerosol from road traffic – Euro6 vehicles

2018- 2022

Maestro-EU6 is the continuation of the Maestro project. It pursues the objective to enrich knowledge on the emission factors of regulated and non-regulated compounds and on the evolution of pollutants through atmospheric physico-chemical and photochemical processes, but focuses on Euro 6 passenger cars with different post-treatment technologies.



The I-Street project managed by Eiffage and involving olikrom, Total and Ifsttar is part of a systemic approach: six technological bricks will be developed, covering all the axes of the ADEME “Road to the Future” call for projects, from the development of a greener, smart and connected road to prefabricated / demountable roads and innovative and safer road marking. EASE laboratory is involved in 4 modules: Globe, Sushis, CUD, Coated for the Future

* Globe, which aims to create a logistics sector for bitumen granules, from the production refinery to the site of use;

* Enrobé du futur which aims to develop an optimazed pavement surface regarding skid resistance, noise, rooling resistance and pollution control;

* CUD which consists in developing a modular urban road, made up of precast concrete elements that are easy to handle;

* SUSHIS which includes the development of photoluminescent horizontal signs, which will enhance user safety in degraded weather conditions and allow energy savings on urban sites.


New POLlutant EMIssions from modern Euro 6 CarS: atmospheric transformations and implications for urban air quality and health

2018- 2021

Polemics project proposes to investigate nature, fate and impacts of Euro 6 emissions, both in the laboratory and in the real world. Car exhaust will be measured at the tailpipe and after processing in static and dynamic atmosphere simulation reactors. Primary emissions and oxidation products will be analyzed. Their contribution to secondary particle formation will be investigated. The obtained kinetic and product information will be used for enhanced air quality modelling, both on the process and on the urban scale. The genotoxic potential of primary and secondary particles will be assessed using standard in vitro assays. 


Determination of Semi-Volatile Organic compounds emissions by volatility classes. Impact on air quality modelling

2017- 2020

The EVORA project aims to quantify emissions of the semi-volatile organic compounds (COSV) that could be used by Chemistry-Transport models. The impact of these compounds on air quality will be evaluated by the CHIMERE model


Modelization/characterization of precursor and secondary aerosol from road traffic


The MAESTRO project aims to improve knowledge on emissions of VOCs, SVOCs and particles from passenger cars. This project aims also to investigate the particle ageing and secondary particles formation under atmospheric conditions. These experimental results allow developing the ageing parameters for air quality models.

Effect of (over) loads on the braking distance of LCVs

2019- 2020

The DSR wishes to assess more precisely the risk linked to overloading of light commercial vehicles (LCVs) in terms of braking distance in particular. This project involving Cerema (Lyon Laboratory Department) and IFSTTAR (EASE laboratory) aims to assess the variations in braking distances induced by overloads under different conditions: dry or wet road, speeds varying from 50 to 120 km / h, load distribution and overload rate. To reach this goal, two additional steps are proposed. The first is based on the modeling of a LCV and numerical simulations (with PROSPER vehicle dynamics software). The second consists in the instrumentation of a light commercial vehicle and the carrying out of tests on the reference test track at university in Nantes. These tests will validate the results obtained by numerical simulations.


Pour une SOLution DUrable du renforcement des infrastructures par GRIlles en fibre de verre.

The project objective is to develop more rational and mechanical approaches to the evaluation grids, and for the calculation of reinforced pavements.


Silver medal in the category "Design and construction of the road" for communication at the 26 th World Road Congress, entitled:

"For a sustainable solution of infrastructure reinforcement by induced fiberglass grate". Daniel DOLIGEZ (6 D Solutions) Cyrille CHAZALLON, Hervé PELLETIER (Insa Strasbourg) Eric GODARD (COLAS), Pierre HORNYCH, Mai-Lan NGUYEN, Armelle CHABOT , Laurence LUMIERE, Maissa GHARBI (IFSTTAR)

A poster was presented at the congress which was held from October 6 to 10, 2019 in Abu Dhabi.


ITTECOP programme


The Gedev project considers the operational and legal feasibility of green verges’ (GV) management by competent local actors involved in the management of (sem natural environments. For land transport infrastructure (LTIs) managers, using the skills of local stakeholders in natural environment management may be a solution to meet their need to implement biodiversity-friendly practices in GVs (conservation, connectivity). However, such initiatives remain limited and the possibilities for replication in other contexts are unclear.



This project aims to physically characterize the particles from exhaust (particle size, surface, number, chemical composition, ...) in various situations of use of vehicles.


Evaluation of the cycling of itineraries according to a scales of effort.


 Objective: Assessments of  route  cyclability  according to an effort scale.
Ease has developed an instrumented bike. This measurement system is versatile and thus adapts to the different needs of research.


CERtification VIrtuelle en FERroviaires.


This project aims at reducing the time and cost of product development and rail transport systems through virtual prototyping

Ville 10D- ville d'idées


This project aims at developping applied research on the basement of the contribution to sustainable urban development.



This project is studying particulate emissions from road traffic. The work of EASE focussed on laboratory simulations of this phenomenon with the machine Wehner / Schulze.

Projet PolLinéaire

Potentiel des dépendances vertes d'ILT pour la préservation et la dispersion des pollinisateurs sauvages. Programme ITTECOP 2014.



Modélisation des informations interopérables pour les infrastructures durables Uce Case 6 : Infrastructures et environnement




This project aims at producing digital and technological tools to improve knowledge and management of an urban area ( support tool to the decision).

OREVADD (2010-2014) Outils et Référentiels pour EValuer dans une Approche de Développements Durable.


Observatoire Français des Ressources pour les Infrastructures


This project helped creating an observatory that provides return of experiences on the use of various alternative materials in infrastructure. Life Cycle Analysis is also given.

Regional projets


Institut Ligérien de Recherche en Génie Civil et Construction. Pari scientifique gégional pour la création d'une fédération de laboratoires en génie civil




Chaussées à Longévité Environnementale Adhérente et Nettoyante.


This project developed innovative and sustainable materials for long life road pavements.


State-Based Decision for Road Maintenance.


This project proposed a stochastic modeling of pavement maintenance (evolution model of pavement cracking).



This project dealt with the monitoring of emissions at source related to Earthmoving machines.


Terrassements durables- Ouvrages en sols traités.


This project developed an environmental assessment method for earthworks.