Completed projects
ROads Saving Energy
Objective : a durable asphalt pavement with at least 6.5% reduction of passenger-car energy consumption
leader : Roskilde University. Ease brought its expertise :
- on the experimental part: measurement of rolling resistance and texture measurement.
- on the theoretical part: influence of the geometry of the road on consumption.
Forever Open infrastructure across all transport modes
FOX est un projet H2020 financé dans le thème MG - 81b 2014 « Smarter design, construction and maintenance ». Il vise à définir une feuille de route en termes de R&D (recherche et développement) pour développer des transports multimodaux à haute efficacité.
Sustainable Pavement & Railway Initial Training Network
Ce projet Marie Curie a pour objectif de développer un outil d'évaluation multi-critères des infrastructures de transport (route/rail). Les travaux ont débouché que la mise en place d'une méthodologie d'évaluation multi-critères (sélection des indicateurs, des méthodes d'aggrégation des indicateurs) permettant de comparer différentes solutions techniques entre elles en se basant sur des critères de durabilité, d'impacts environnementaux, de sécurité, de bruit, de coûts. Le projet adresse tous les piliers du développement durable (technique, économique, environnemental et social) et permet de disposer de l'outil d'évaluation associé à la méthodologie.
Development of a novel ECO-LABELing EU-harmonized methodology for cost-effective, safer and greener road products and infrastructures.
This project aims at developping a road infrastructure project certification system using sustainable development indicators in the economic , technical, environment and social domains.
This workshop organized by the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Pisa (2018, july 16-17), gathered various European and American experts developing works dealing with the sustainability of transport infrastructure.
Three sessions were organized (see program attached):
The first session allowed to analyze different systems and methods of Labeling and certification for road infrastructures developed during the last years (LCE4ROADS, EDGAR, ENVISION, etc.). This session also recall the fundamentals of life cycle analysis and assessment of environmental impacts of infrastructures.
The second session provided some examples of development in construction and maintenance of infrastructure and road materials taking into account sustainability.
The third session was dedicated to the first results of the NEREIDE project which aims at developping low rolling noise pavement mixes containing recycled materials.
ROlling resistance, Skid resistance, ANd Noise Emission measurement standards for roads surfaces.
This project deals with the harmonization of methods of measurement of friction, noise and rolling resistance.
SCenarios for the Electrification of TRansports.
This project takes place within the Electromobility + transnational program supported by the Era- Net Transport. It aims at identifing the conditions ( policy ) for the development of electromobility in Europe in 2030.
TYre and Road Surface Optimisation for Skid résistance and Further Effects.
This project produced a roadmap for harmonization of methods of measurement of grip in Europe.
Modelization/characterization of precursor and secondary aerosol from road traffic
The MAESTRO project aims to improve knowledge on emissions of VOCs, SVOCs and particles from passenger cars. This project aims also to investigate the particle ageing and secondary particles formation under atmospheric conditions. These experimental results allow developing the ageing parameters for air quality models.
Effect of (over) loads on the braking distance of LCVs
2019- 2020
The DSR wishes to assess more precisely the risk linked to overloading of light commercial vehicles (LCVs) in terms of braking distance in particular. This project involving Cerema (Lyon Laboratory Department) and IFSTTAR (EASE laboratory) aims to assess the variations in braking distances induced by overloads under different conditions: dry or wet road, speeds varying from 50 to 120 km / h, load distribution and overload rate. To reach this goal, two additional steps are proposed. The first is based on the modeling of a LCV and numerical simulations (with PROSPER vehicle dynamics software). The second consists in the instrumentation of a light commercial vehicle and the carrying out of tests on the reference test track at university in Nantes. These tests will validate the results obtained by numerical simulations.
Silver medal in the category "Design and construction of the road" for communication at the 26 th World Road Congress, entitled:
"For a sustainable solution of infrastructure reinforcement by induced fiberglass grate". Daniel DOLIGEZ (6 D Solutions) Cyrille CHAZALLON, Hervé PELLETIER (Insa Strasbourg) Eric GODARD (COLAS), Pierre HORNYCH, Mai-Lan NGUYEN, Armelle CHABOT , Laurence LUMIERE, Maissa GHARBI (IFSTTAR)
A poster was presented at the congress which was held from October 6 to 10, 2019 in Abu Dhabi.
ITTECOP programme
The Gedev project considers the operational and legal feasibility of green verges’ (GV) management by competent local actors involved in the management of (sem natural environments. For land transport infrastructure (LTIs) managers, using the skills of local stakeholders in natural environment management may be a solution to meet their need to implement biodiversity-friendly practices in GVs (conservation, connectivity). However, such initiatives remain limited and the possibilities for replication in other contexts are unclear.
Projet PolLinéaire
Potentiel des dépendances vertes d'ILT pour la préservation et la dispersion des pollinisateurs sauvages. Programme ITTECOP 2014.
Modélisation des informations interopérables pour les infrastructures durables Uce Case 6 : Infrastructures et environnement
Observatoire Français des Ressources pour les Infrastructures
This project helped creating an observatory that provides return of experiences on the use of various alternative materials in infrastructure. Life Cycle Analysis is also given.
Institut Ligérien de Recherche en Génie Civil et Construction. Pari scientifique gégional pour la création d'une fédération de laboratoires en génie civil
Chaussées à Longévité Environnementale Adhérente et Nettoyante.
This project developed innovative and sustainable materials for long life road pavements.
State-Based Decision for Road Maintenance.
This project proposed a stochastic modeling of pavement maintenance (evolution model of pavement cracking).