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Emissions Measurement Platform (PME)

The platform was created in the years 2004.

  • It allows the collection of data and measurements of emissions of pollutants to the atmosphere
  • Conducting Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) civil engineering methods (materials and construction equipment)

The platform was created in the years 2004.

  • It allows the collection of data and measurements of emissions of pollutants to the atmosphere
  • Conducting Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) civil engineering methods (materials and construction equipment)

Examples of measurements carried out and materials available

Aging chamber

On-board measurement without exhaust

Instrumentation of the test van on asphalt mixing plant

Particle flight measurement during planing of bituminous pavements

On-board exhaust measurements

Charger exhaust measurement

Equipment for exhaust and non-exhaust measurements

Sampling from the chimney of an asphalt plant

Pollutant measurement in the La Défense tunnel in Paris

Ageing of vehicle pollutants with the ageing chamber