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Current projects

European projetcs


2021 - 2023

In Europe, the need to make infrastructure more sustainable for biodiversity while ensuring their reliability and efficiency is urgent.

Indeed, Europe needs to adapt its existing infrastructure to new climatic conditions (floods, droughts …), as well as find innovative and sustainable solutions to reduce the impact of invasive species and address the decline of native species and ecosystem fragmentation. Simultaneously, the sharp rise in the development of new transport infrastructure, especially in Eastern Europe, must support economic development while paying particular attention to the local biodiversity, which is often endemic.

Faced with these needs, for the first time the European Union funds a 3 million euros Coordination and Support Action project on the topic of transport and biodiversity issues. As part of the last calls under H2020, the BISON project is timely to set the ground and upscale research on these topics in the next European research framework programme 2021-2027 (HORIZON EUROPE).

Following the IENE2022 Congress in Cluj : Experts propose solutions for sustainable European transport by mainstreaming biodiversity


Noise and Emissions Monitoring and radical mitigation

2020 - 2023

Participation in the evaluation of dust emissions during the simulated life duration of new pavement materials.

Nationals projets


Charge As You Drive

2023 - 2026

This BPI-funded project, led by Vinci Construction, aims to evaluate two electric charging systems for heavy-duty vehicle infrastructure (inductive coils under the pavement and conductive rail embedded in the pavement). The project partners are Gustve Eiffel University, Hutchinson, Elonroad and Electreon, with support from Cerema. Following closed-site trials on the Gustave Eiffel University campus in Nantes (riding arena and road track), a trial will be launched on two sections of the A10 motorway.


2023 - 2026

This BPI-funded project by Autoroutes et Tunnel du Mont-Blanc (ATMB), in consortium with Gustave Eiffel University, Alstom, Pronergy and Greenmot, aims to test an electrified road solution using a conductor rail on the ground in the Chamonix - Mont Blanc valley. Tests will first be carried out on a demonstrator installed on the Transpolis platform, before implementation on an open road.


"asphalt with optimized rolling resistance"

2022 - 2026

The aim of this project, which has been approved as part of the "Routes et Rues" call for innovation projects, is to test on real roads asphalt mix formulas that optimize rolling resistance while maintaining skid resistance performance. The project involves Eiffage Infrastructure and Gustave Eiffel University. The aim is to carry out two to three projects, with Cerema monitoring them over a 3-year period as part of the CIRR program. Gustave Eiffel University will characterize rolling resistance using its e2008 instrumented vehicle.


Characterization of emissions from the FLUvial sector, study of secondary pollutants


national project (ADEME)
partner IRCELYON

The aim is to characterize pollutant emissions (regulated and non-regulated) from the exhaust of a commercial barge. The formation of secondary organic aerosols will also be studied using a mobile atmospheric simulation chamber installed on the boat. Studies of primary and secondary pollutants will be carried out for a conventional fuel (RNG) as well as for two alternative fuels of interest (B100 and GTL).


CAracterization and comparison of brake and exhaust pollutant emissions from buses under operating conditions


national project (ADEME)
partners CRMT and TELMA

The aim of this project is to characterize the particulate matter produced by braking on a EURO VI school bus, in particular by quantifying the benefits of using the TELMA braking system, which reduces the need for friction braking. Ultrafine particles, VOCs and metals will be quantified. Comparisons will also be made with exhaust pollutants.


Sustainable management partnership in right-of-ways of linear transport infrastructures

2021 - 2024

The aim of the project is to develop models of sustainable partnerships between LTI operators and local stakeholders for profitable management of right-of-ways for biodiversity. The 4 main types of LTI are concerned: waterways, power lines, railways and roads/motorways. The method is based on the one hand on feedback from management partnerships set up spontaneously and with their own means by local stakeholders, and on the other hand within the framework of financially supported experimental projects.
Eight sites will be studied from the point of view of the conditions for the emergence of partnerships, the rules established between partners, the conditions and results obtained on the ecological, socio-economic and technical levels.

Deviation "Les Sorinières"

Financing Region Pays de La Loire

2020 - 2027

This study will make it possible to follow the evolution of the air quality before and after a road construction and to see the effect of the vegetation (physical barrier between the future road and the bicycle path) during the project.